Sunday, February 5, 2017

Consciousness Runs Deep Land Ethic

Consciousness Runs Deep, a music video produced by Soul River Runs Deep company. Below attached is the video, enjoy.
This video is about our environmental ethics that we sometime seems to forget. It is also reminding us again the work of nature around us even if we are in the city, suburban area, or country side and that appreciation through preservation and awareness is needed now and in the future.

My personal environmental ethics aren't as strong as I believe it to be, but I care for the environment enough to pick up after someone's trash, recycle, reduce the mileage I put on the car, buy local organic produce, and most importantly being aware of my energy footprint. Although it is hardly enough what I do for the environment to reduce my energy footprint, but I'd like to reorganize my thoughts on my personal environmental ethic and improve my decision making so that it also consider the environmental effect.

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