Sunday, April 30, 2017

Mountain Lions

Mountain lions are feared, hunted. They are actually really affectionate and playful. They have close family ties, very social and interdependent. Cubs are with their mom for up to two years. Leaving cubs for up to days to feed them.
a.) Five threats mountain lions that we should be aware of
  1. Hunting
  2. Natural predators
  3. Natural occurrences (weather, disease)
  4. Habitat loss
  5. Poaching
  6. Environmental pollution
b.) Conservation organizations that are helping Mountain lions and what’s being done.
  • Mountain Lion Foundation: i find this organization sort of similar to SIerra Club, there are news magazines for updates and news on mountain lions, awareness, and donation for supporting mountain lions, and providing vital current information. They also provide space and connection to larger communities that are in support of mountain lions. A door to larger population.
  • The Humane Society of United States: Similar structure. Donation, magazines on useful information and awareness, supply useful tips on being sustainable without harming animals, volunteer work for animal rescue and care, and humane wildlife service. Animal advocacy through public policy, corporate reforms and major campaigns. Provide training for local shelter and rescue groups.
    • This organization seems much bigger and wider is scope of accomplishments and establishment.
There are many more organizations that can be found on this website that also contribute to supporting mountain lions and other wildlife.
Mountain lions are also key stone species like the wolves in Yellowstone that keep the levels in ecosystem in balance. Mountain lions prey on deer and elk, which help prevent wild herbivores from overgrazing vegetation. And not overgrazing the vegetation provide habitats, food, and natural ecosystem service back into the overall ecosystem.

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