Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Story of Bottled Water

Bottled water is a ruse to mislead the public that tap water is unclean so that the soda company can gain from the free tap water. In fact bottled water has been found to be less regulated than tap water, more expensive, less taste flavor, more bacteria, transportation cost, and environmental damage.

The way that soda company made the public choose bottled water over tap water is through manufactured demand. They advertised bottled water by scaring us that tap water is unclean and unsafe to drink. Then they use pristine picture of nature or sparkly clean running stream to seduce us into thinking that this water is super clean, fresh from the mountains, and is safe for us.

Lastly, they mislead us about how it's the most environmentally safe water of choice. It is not. The oil, fuel, and energy is cost to just make the water bottle are enough to pollute a many cities' source of water. Not including the transportation cost and the environmental damage. And at last the recycling part of the bottle life cycle. It is not recycle, and dump into land field or ship to India for land field. In India it is down cycle into smaller bits of plastic that just ends up in someone else backyard. All these plastic bottle in land field is polluting the land and the underground water.

The funny thing is that the water in these bottled water are tap water from our local water tap.

Company Tactic
- Scaring us
- Seducing us
- Misleading us

1. Say no to bottled water unless tap water is truly unclean.
2. Join campaign that invest in public water infrastructure.
3. Prevent pollution
4. Drinking fountains
5. Water bottle boycott

The link below is the video that contains all these information

Here's another link to food and water watch
This website gives some important information.

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