Tuesday, February 21, 2017

World Population

World population video. Pretty simple, yet powerful message on the increase in human population since the beginning of history.
-> https://vimeo.com/130468614

Humans thrive on less than 17% of Earth surface, yet we are depleting natural resources and increasing human population with no consideration that there is only a finite amount on Earth and for future generations. It is rather daunting to see how fast the global population increased just over 2,000 years and imagining how much humans have developed through technological, medicinal, science, industrial, and agricultural innovation. Such rapid development, it must have come at a great cost to humans and the Earth.

Everyday most think about the environmental impact and consequence of their actions and what they can do to reduce it, but just thinking about making a change or doing something we are not putting words to actions. The website below is a site that allows you to measure your impact and provides numerous idea to changing your lifestyle.
-> http://wwf.panda.org/how_you_can_help/live_green/

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Global Warming

Global Warming is occurring due to human activity and the pace at which the processes is adding/cost to the environment. Human development, mining, deforestation, draining marsh and swamp, building concrete cities that reduces water infiltration into the water table, massive cow farming that emit large amount of methane, cars that produce a good portion of carbon dioxide, ocean acidification that reduces carbon dioxide absorption, and melting of glaciers that release high amount of carbon dioxide that were stored in the ice. These activities and processes led to global warming happening at a faster pace than it should have been. 


To reduce one's carbon footprint, you can take public transportation when you can to reduce using your own car. Don't turn the heater on high all day, set it low during the day to reduce using too much electricity. Plant a few garden flowers or bushes, pleasant to the eyes and benefit for the animals. 

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Shopping Locally

I am located in Marin County.

The first local business that I am willing to shop at is the farmer's market at the civic center on the weekend. It is affordable and close by, plus the people are extremely nice.

Second, coffee shop. Peet's is pretty local, it was originated in Berkeley. There are several stores around Marin County that still gets it's beans and roasting done in Berkeley.

Third, Book Passage, a book store located in Corte Madera, San Francisco, and newly open Sausalito. Local people work here, and the resources are provided locally as well and it is an independent store.

Fourth, Cibo resturant in Sausalito. It's produce and workers are locally sourced. In fact, they get their produce from the Farmer's Market every week.

Fifth, Marin Sun Farm, it is located in Oakland and administration located in Petaluma. It is sourced locally.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Consciousness Runs Deep Land Ethic

Consciousness Runs Deep, a music video produced by Soul River Runs Deep company. Below attached is the video, enjoy.
This video is about our environmental ethics that we sometime seems to forget. It is also reminding us again the work of nature around us even if we are in the city, suburban area, or country side and that appreciation through preservation and awareness is needed now and in the future.

My personal environmental ethics aren't as strong as I believe it to be, but I care for the environment enough to pick up after someone's trash, recycle, reduce the mileage I put on the car, buy local organic produce, and most importantly being aware of my energy footprint. Although it is hardly enough what I do for the environment to reduce my energy footprint, but I'd like to reorganize my thoughts on my personal environmental ethic and improve my decision making so that it also consider the environmental effect.